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Thread: YekPortal_v1.15

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    Default YekPortal_v1.15

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    yasar54, Yaya, kubi29, cc06, mmliklnc100, emso, Emrh54, Muratwizard, japon11, memolican1, isak258, ultramajeste, dabanonline, maskem, baykee, ixir44, sanane2005, idris1905, Nike, utku29, koylu32, 52fyde01, Osaman, Akdeniz32, slawes, Nurullahalma, musti10, Muhammed.Oemer, derbeder1973, erenn, tanneracar, gurselfb, PETLU, OZGURMAN, çuvaldız, schweisser, uscelena, tugitugi, tugiacar, adres27, Buddha, Gek, seyyah, Isa, hasantas, parsa, Medeniik, Kral68, kobra23, isso27, lorenzoturk, Sago823, Muhacir67, Emirhan, Mi.TeVe, kurt56, shr62, sulak, saloaga, Burak91, bprg, Kelebek, Radikal, trtrtrdeneme, bataklik, ASK22ASK, Sait, gaza23, CorumluM, Ekrem Gökten, FB58, ithaldamat, doğanbey42.35, yasarcan999, cafermemet, satvet, nvatan16, berbat, karaturk06, stefmir, bulent_39, abuzer44, Erarslan, Yanlizadam, mst1234, abbot, oslo, alim58, Mezarci55, Cüneyt, aydin22, Feri, Seyfom, AliB, metinkaya, enin, fbbf2907, Hayrola, fener34, memati6767, efe54, bakman68, emre27, Alemiduzen, ibo6666, Hüso10, k33n26, muzo34, niyazi, Alex1269, Vartolu cemo, Omer1968, warkon, nunoglu, Uzunince, Digiseytan, reklam80, vatan99, drpehlivan, Gazoz, saint99, asub, rasimtorros, Asker, turis, muammer74, Samuray_75, adana0135, Haskan, mehmetkyb, bandolero, m.cakir, Tayyar Aksu, nebiyeff, hazan, pratiker15, özvatanli38, arda46, korsan2012, Serkancil, Burak64, Kadiiir06_, Gotti83, Ilgad, irfan55, trommel, ozer001, Andacgsm, Osman66, yarli61, *****AKSEHiRLi*****, cagdas.uzbey, hakon, KaanSVL, Alxavier90, maron, Joli, kaya46, Tunicim, cakal69, suhufxx, ageo, MUTLU 2006, kapon52, MSGT, gunay064064, Bokeli, Yunus58, dragaon10, cimbom5757, Schwarz, durmaz39, memati54, Burhan47, hposcu63, fene, Semset74, Tayfun63, zakheva, headend, pherbete, ozel2222, djafert,, Kay38, gurcu87, abbasbaba, maviefe, avare_can, ismail35, Minka, bede, ilkay1, yako, Senol67, Efes, Eren Avci, fisherman1971, slm6161, Berdus, bakhun, ömer kartal, hmzclk, tandir, asker19, Loppo, Pinarbasi, hayro, linux, ozgurkoc, jacob7, ahleka, Recep111222, IMPERATOR1907, yilmaz, lee78, mirkalem, cimbomlu03, Hulki Baydere, emirgan, canim17, memis.caldiran, kemaller, Adam82, akif3210, migarli, sokratesryuji, tamerak69, Btekeci, zdede, rihtim, ferityeni, belp, tahsin86, LUCKY41, galaksi61

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    Evet bende uzun zaman önce Üyelik açmıştım ve şuan denedim gerçekten Hâlâ çoğu kanallar çalışıyor ama sanki biraz fazla reklam var gibime geldi, ben bu aralar şimşek tv kullanıyorum
    Paylaşım için yine de teşekkürler

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    Üye Ilgad's Avatar


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    Forumdaşlar yek Portal ceptelefona uygunmu mobil calisiyormu daneben varmi

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    Bu yekpotol icin sifre istiyor bunu nerden alicaz bilgisi olan varmi

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    Kıdemli Üye muzo34's Avatar


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    Yek portal sitesinde sifre kulanuci adi olusduracan kendin

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